8 Reasons Why “Mad Max: Fury Road” Is Even More Awesome Than You Thought

Oh what a movie! What a lovely movie!

I’ve seen “Fury Road” twice already and will happily watch it every week for the rest of my life. I even want to see it a third time, preferably in IMAX because this movie exists to blast your face off with explosive awesomeness. This is not a movie to be comfortable at. Your heart rate will reach dangerous levels, your eyes will hurt, and your ears will retreat in terror from the onslaught of colliding spiky cars, technicolor desert battles, nuclear hellfire dust storms, and Charlize Theron’s righteous fury.

None of this is exaggeration, because this is “Mad Max” and it is not possible to exaggerate anything.

So here are a few reasons why “Mad Max: Fury Road” is one of my all-time favorite movies, and why you should see it immediately:

1. In a somewhat surprising twist in an action movie starring sex slaves, Furiosa and the wives are not sexualized (beyond a brief introductory scene where it does make sense) and Furiosa is essentially the main character. This led to some whining about boycotting from boys who can’t share, but it also led to the creation of Feminist Mad Max:

2. Since there’s nothing much to do while filming in Namibia, Theron taught Tom Hardy and Nicholas Hoult how to knit. I really need someone to draw me a sketch of Mad Max failing at knitting, while Nux knits gun cozies with hearts on them.

3. There’s a flamethrowing battle guitar.

4. Tom Hardy didn’t think it was a big deal to share his movie with a bunch of women, hence #1.

5. That chrome paint the War Boys spray over their mouths before they die historic on the Fury Road? It’s real, and edible.

6. And Mad Max fans proceeded to leave reviews on its Amazon page:

7. 80% of the stunts actually physically happened! With dozens of vehicles, who knows how many stuntmen, and some truly insane fight sequences shot in the middle of a desert, this is incredibly impressive – especially to me, a millennial who came of age on green screen filming.


Have you seen “Fury Road?” What did you think?

Links Lundi

Male characters rarely fit in the “strong character” box, so why do we consider it the highest honor for a female character to be considered “strong?”

Speaking of strong characters: “Pacific Rim” inspired a new Bechdel Test, dubbed the Mako Mori Test.  It works if the movie has:

a) at least one female character;
b) who gets her own narrative arc;
c) that is not about supporting a man’s story.

It’s interesting to think about which movies would pass this test, but fail the Bechdel, and vice versa.  The movie mentions “Avengers” for Black Widow’s storyline; I’d also add “The Wolverine,” because even though Mariko needs to get rescued every other scene, most of the story concerns her taking on her grandfather’s company, and I’d say she drives the plot more than Wolverine does.

I love this for so many reasons: Art is useless, so let’s put it everywhere.

Ashton Kutcher gives surprisingly good advice, makes me eat my words since I’ve never been a fan of his.

Nadine shares her story of going back to her natural hair and how it influenced her perception of her own beauty.

Also from Already Pretty, reverse photoshopping makes unhealthy thinness look better. Yikes.

In honor of PAX next week: There’s no sexism in gaming. “To anyone getting their boxers in a bunch over this, I say: buy the games with the male protagonists. There are at least four of them.”

New Picture (9)

A preview of my PAX costume!

The Mystery of the Missing Female Protagonist

A while ago, director Elena Rossini had an interesting guest post over at The Beheld about women in movies and how their characters so often relate to their relationships instead of their individual accomplishments.  She challenged herself and her readers to find a character who met all of these criteria:

  • Protagonist of the TV show/film
  • Over the age of 30
  • Holds an important job and is successful at it
  • Liked/likeable
  • Her physical appearance is peripheral to the story (and she can’t use her sex appeal to get what she wants)
  • Her romantic/personal relationships are peripheral to the story
  • The TV show/film takes place in “the real world” (not a sci-fi universe)
  • She has to be alive by the end of the film

It was, sadly, a difficult challenge.  I fully support her inclusion of CJ from “The West Wing,” though, and this is one of the reasons why:

Commenters brought up lots of interesting ideas, like which formats allow for more rounded female protagonists (ie. plot-driven shows like “Fringe”) and the subjectivity over the role a female character’s relationship plays in her life.  The age of the actress may come into play – I would guess that the list of Maggie Smith’s qualifying roles would probably be longer than Reese Witherspoon’s or Sandra Bullock’s.  But the fact is women have more to do in life than fall in love with a guy (see: every romantic comedy) or be there for him as his muse or inspiration (see: every Zooey Deschanel role).  When you have to sift through years of film to find female roles to meet those qualifications – which male characters fulfill every day – you know you have a problem.

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Be Brave In: Movies

Happy Be Brave Month! It’s March, which means it’s nearly spring and as good time a time as any for change and growth.  Over the next four weeks, we’ll look into four areas of your life that, with a little courage, can be expanded, improved, classed-up, and generally made more awesome, so you can feel more awesome, too, and get a little closer to being the best “you” possible.

This week we’ll cover movies.  Between Netflix, on-demand services, Redbox, and the handful of remaining brick-and-mortar rental stores, we’re inundated with movie options.  We also have a huge variety of devices on which to watch all these thousands of movies we’re able to access.  So why settle for reruns of “Scrubs?”  Try a new movie and stretch your celluloid-loving brain cells.

1. Watch a documentary.  I’ll make this insanely easy for you: watch “Life in a Day.”  This was Ridley Scott’s YouTube project which invited everyone with a camera to film their day on July 24th, 2010.  The final result, compiled from 80,000 submissions from 192 countries, is a beautiful, poignant, eye-opening look at daily life for ordinary people around the world, sunrise to sunset.  You’ll see everything from how a young Japanese widower copes with raising his young son to what Aussie ranch hands eat for breakfast.  The film is also available on Netflix instant.

2. Watch a foreign film.  Yeah, I know, your eyes are rolling.  Subtitles?  Weird symbolism?  Boring story?  But chances are you’ve already seen a foreign film and actually enjoyed it:

  • Amelie
  • Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
  • Seven Samurai
  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • Pan’s Labyrinth
  • La Vie En Rose
  • The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (original Swedish adaptation)

If you’re up for more of a challenge, check out the works of great directors like Federico Fellini, Akira Kurosawa, or Ang Lee, or cruise the list of Best Foreign Language Academy Award winners.  I also recommend the more story-friendly and less retina-slaughtering anime films of Hayao Miyazaki.

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Links Lundi

A private letter from genre to literature.

Watch this year’s Sundance Film Festival short films online! Vote for your favorite and help a filmmaker win $5,000.

Love & Olive Oil has a cookbook full of cookie dough recipes coming out!  The best part is that they’re raw-egg-free, so germophobes like me can munch happily.

Remember Crush from “American Gladiator?”  In real life she’s Gina Carano, MMA fighter, and when Steven Soderbergh saw her fight, he said “She needs a movie” and came up with Haywire. It was actually really enjoyable – not the best script, but the fight scenes were stylish and it was nice to finally have a believable action heroine, rather than a twiggy Zoe Saldana or Angelina Jolie.

A Timelord man with two hearts survives a heart attack.

Hello Monkeyface has revealed her face (!) and her new blog!

Sarah’s Guide To Dressing Like A Classy Broad While Traveling, which will come in handy when we go on our honeymoon at the end of the month (!) and when I go to Hawaii this summer (!!)

I thought the 3D Star Wars re-releases were still a couple years away. I’m only moderately excited that the first movie is hitting theaters on February 10th (!). Only a little. Couldn’t care less, actually. Not particularly interested that all six (!!) of some of my favorite movies ever are going to be back in theaters (!!!). In 3D. Starting in less than three weeks.  (!!!!!!!!)

Links Lundi

GUYS.  Have you seen “The Hunger Games” trailer yet?

How about the trailer for “Brave?”  (I’ll just be staring transfixed at her hair for the next several minutes, don’t mind me.)

In other movie news, David Yates, director of the last few Harry Potter films, has announced his intention to make a “Doctor Who” movie.  Before you get excited, though, hear this: he thinks the series needs “quite a radical transformation” and wants to “start from scratch.”  This strikes me as both unnecessary and, well, arrogant.  The current Doctor has been doing just fine, thank you, all eleven incarnations of him – do we really need to start over with a new one?

Justin Timberlake attended the Marines Ball and wrote a touching writeup on his experience.

The 2-Minute Chocolate And Salted Caramel Mug Cake.  I’m a little afraid to try this because it sounds just too good to be true…and I don’t think it would be particularly healthy for me to have the power to whip up a gooey chocolate-caramel cake in just minutes.

Some stores, including Target, are kicking off Black Friday even earlier this year by opening at midnight.  Considering how early the Christmas ads started this year, I can’t say I’m surprised, but I do think it’s sad.

Non-Chick Flick Romantic Movies For The Intolerant One In Your Life

Happy Valentines’ Day!  Or not.  I know a good many people who hate today, and for a variety of legitimate reasons.  It commercializes love, it isolates single people, and it can wreak havoc on communication and expectations between couples.  Me, I like Valentines’ Day, if only for the excuse to eat too much chocolate.  My main reason for disliking Valentines’ Day is the sudden proliferation of cheap, lousy chick flicks and romantic comedies.  It’s a well-known fact that I’m not a fan of romantic comedies, so here’s a little list of alternative love stories for your Valentine evening.

1. Wall-E.  A robot falls in love with a dazzling visitor and travels into the depths of space to be with her.  If the ending doesn’t make you cry, therapy is advised.

2. Casablanca. It’s classic for a reason.  Have you seen it?  You should.  Seriously.

3. The Illusionist.  Edward Norton’s magician risks imprisonment and death to be reunited with his childhood love.  The costumes are gorgeous and the plot is perfectly twisty.

4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Jim Carrey takes on the serious role of a man undergoing memory erasure to wipe out all traces of his ex-girlfriend.  Cheerful! Will he change his mind and recover his memories?  Probably, but I only saw this one once and it was a bit too weird for me to attempt it again.  Lots of people are serious fans, though, and I’d like to try it again someday.

5. French Kiss. Okay, yes, this one is definitely a chick flick, but it has Meg Ryan and Kevin Klein doing a French accent and wine and silly lines and a very happy ending.  Kevin Klein!  With a French accent!  I recommend this one even to my fellow chick-flick-haters.

Do you have plans for tonight?  Are you pro- or anti-Valentines Day?  What movies are you watching tonight?

Tunes I Like: “Ten Million Slaves” by Otis Taylor

If you saw “Public Enemies” or even its trailer, you heard this song.

This one should have been on my list of road trip songs. Yeah, it’s got banjo in it, but it’s also got a thumping guitar rhythm driving the whole thing, not to mention some crazy lyrics about a guy in a fallout shelter, comparing himself to the slaves crossing the Atlantic. Or something.

In other movie-related news, let’s extend a warm welcome to Joseph Gordon-Levitt as he joins the cast of the next “Batman” movie! Oh, and they cast their “Superman” for the next movie, this one directed by Zach “300” Znyder.

happy friday! have a pun.

Me: “Ouch, ‘Buried’ has only made about $200,000 so far.”

Kevin: “Well, it was in limited release.”

Me: “True. Probably smart of them – I mean, it must have been dirt cheap to make.”

Kevin: *stares*

Me: “Oh. HA.”

5 Action Movies That Already Had Female Leads (Sorry, “Salt”)

I’ve been hearing a lot about “Salt” lately and I’m not really sure why. It’s an action flick starring Angelina Jolie, whoop dee doo, we’ve only seen about eight of those before. But either the producers or Angelina Jolie herself (or both) are trying to convince us that it’s a revolution in gender stereotypes and that it’s going to completely rewrite the idea of female action leads. I guess this one is supposed to be different because the script was originally written for a male lead (surprise, Tom Cruise) but then he became uncool and they picked the perennially hot Angelina instead. The movie’s Rotten Tomatoes score is already down to 57%, so maybe the marketing gurus are just trying to build hype in the wake of “Inception.” Whether or not “Salt” is actually good doesn’t matter much to me – I’m just irritated that they have nerve to try to write off every action heroine who came before. As that Cinematical article points out, someone has already revolutionized female action leads, and she did it over thirty years ago: Sigourney Weaver in “Alien.” And she didn’t need Angie’s puffy lips or tremendous bosoms to give her an edge (although she did run around in her undies for a bit).

My other problem with “Salt” is that the marketers/producers want us to think that the female lead’s sexuality has nothing to do with her character. That’s all well and good, but if you want to make a point about the flexibility of gender roles in action movies, don’t cast an actress who’s been on every “hottest actress” list since she was 17.

I’m sure we could go on about this for hours, and we can probably debate the definitions of “action” and “lead” until the cows come home, but here are five butt-kicking ladies who deserve to share the podium with Angelina Jolie…even though she takes up a spot here too. Anyway. Play nice, ladies.

1. First and greatest: Ripley. Before there was “Terminator” or “Rambo,” before the He-Man muscle era, there was “Alien.” Ripley is on a ship with an otherwise all-male crew, and she doesn’t even make out with any of them. When the alien shows up, she picks up a gun like everyone else and joins the fight, and (spoiler alert), she’s the sole survivor. She lives on to fight through three sequels. And she rescues the cat! Fanboys still admire the undies scene, but hey, this is the early days of the action flick – baby steps.

See? Happily ever after...until the next movie, anyway.

2. Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor in “Terminator 2.” She may be a little crazy and a bad mother, but you’d have some issues too if you’d witnessed the end of the world and your son was the only hope for avoiding evil robot domination. She evolves from a meek, cute waitress to a guerrilla warrior who has a hidden warehouse of guns in the middle of the desert. On top of that, she’s actually buff. Years later, she even got her own moderately successful show, “The Sarah Connor Chronicles.”

Plus, ask anyone and they’ll probably agree that “Terminator 2” is just one of the greatest action flicks of all time.

3. Angelina Jolie as Jane Smith in “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” I picked this role over Lara Croft and “Wanted” because this movie was slightly less dumb. Jane is president of her own company of lady spies, and her skyscraper office is full of high-tech computer systems and smart suits, complete with a zipline escape route. Her husband is also a spy, albeit one with Vince Vaughn for a partner and an office in some dumpy dockside warehouse. Once they find each other out, rather than discussing their issues, they promptly start trying to kill each other. There’s no great character depth here, and only some marginally relevant commentary on marital relationships (made even less relevant by the fact that this is the movie that split up Brad and Jen), but Jane Smith has wicked skills and a fabulous wardrobe and only relies on her boobies once. And that was for a job.

Plus her weapons cache is inside her state-of-the-art oven. Awesome!

4. Milla Jovovich as Alice in “Resident Evil.” She actually came to mind second after Sigourney Weaver, and she’s probably got the largest action-movie repertoire of any actress. She starred in “The Fifth Element,” “Ultraviolet,” and all the Resident Evil movies (including the fourth, coming out soon). Next, she’s going to play Milady de Winter in “The Three Musketeers” alongside Orlando Bloom, Mads Mikkelsen, Matthew McFayden, and Christoph Waltz. (Incidentally, I have always believed it was Orlando Bloom’s destiny to be in a “Three Musketeers” movie, and I’m rather pleased with his role.) Anyway, back to Alice…honestly, I think I’ve only seen the first two movies, and they’ve sort of blended together into one big mass of Alice shooting zombies, driving motorcycles through windows, blowing stuff up, and developing telekinesis or something. But since most of the Resident Evil games have a male lead, I was always pleased that they chose a lady to take over the majority of the zombie-slaughtering duties.

5. Michelle Rodriguez in…lots of things. Her first role in “Girlfight,” two “Fast and the Furious” movies, “SWAT,” roles on “Lost” and in “Avatar,” even voicing a Marine in “Halo 2” have kinda led to her being typecast, but she still manages to bring some heart to her tough-chick roles. (DUIs aside, I do have some respect for her making a niche in a very masculine film category.)

Battle paint always helps.

I have a whole list of honorable mentions that I’m leaving off because I want to hear what you guys think. Who else should have made this list? Who would win in a fight between Angelina Jolie and Milla Jovovich?